Women can get pregnant from anal sex (yes, really)

 Women can get pregnant from anal sex (yes, really)

Sneaking in the back door can usually feel like a safe bet. You’re less likely to run into trouble.

However, when it comes to anal sex, that’s not necessarily the case. And, if you’re not trying for a baby, you need to heed this warning.

Yes, you can get pregnant from doing anal. While the chances may be low, they aren’t out of the question, and you don’t want to get caught with your pants down.

Pregnancy could happen for one of two reasons: cross-contamination or cloacal malformation.

So, let’s slide right in to a little bit of sex ed…

What is cloacal malformation?
‘Cloacal malformation is a rare congenital condition where the rectum, vagina, and urinary tract are fused into a single common channel rather than having separate openings.’

This is what Dr Donald Grant, GP and senior clinical adviser at The Independent Pharmacy tells Metro.

This means that if you were attempting to have anal, you could easily get pregnant too.

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